Renovations at The Courtyards

There have been lots of changes since we took over management of the property: the new website the new branding and signage and last but not least the new office/model decor which we've received great compliments on (thanks everyone!).

But if you've visited us recently one HUGE difference is the change to the actual property.

The place looks like a demolition derby but this is only temporary; so don't let the scaffolding and paint put you off from visiting us.

Renovations at The Courtyards
Work being done to the outside of Building A and parking lot.

We are working on lots of upgrades to the interior and exterior of the building. New shingles on the roof small roof repairs a fresh coat of paint upgrades to the pool and sun deck area.

Basically creating more room for resident events and community functions we plan to host this year.

The Courtyards is such a great communal space and we want to offer residents some at-home entertainment options.

Pool and courtyard in Building A getting a facelift. Good news the pretty trees are staying.

Did we mention we're going to get this all done before move-ins!

If you're an incoming resident you should have received your roommate and move-in information in the mail by now. We can't wait to meet all of you in person on August 13th and 20th - but until then like The Courtyards on Facebook and stay in the know with your new home.

See what the property USUALLY looks like in person.