Social Media Day Gainesville :: SMdayGNV

That was our hashtag this year on Twitter for Social Media Day 2011.

Together with Tiffany Williams Events Manager at The Gainesville Chamber of Commerce we hosted the first ever Gainesville Social Media Day MashMeetup (what a mouthful!).

CMC building relationships
Our mini banner powered by our friends at neutral7

We met at The Warehouse in downtown Gainesville on June 30th or Social Media Day - a globally recognized event created by Mashable to say "hooray social!".

About 30 of the city's movers shakers tech lovers and digital/design enthusiasts braved the bad weather to make some real-world social connections.

See the photos here

CMC building relationships
Missed the event? Can't wait until next year?

We tossed the idea of doing a meet up again soon and brainstorming ideas to communicate or create a think tank.

If you want in on the action leave a comment here or send a note to

CMC building relationships