Nap Time on Campus

Class can be exhausting and staying on campus is sometimes a necessity! That said we made a list of places to take a rest when it all becomes too much. Pillows not required oversized book bags to lean on encouraged.

Scenic Route
If you want to take in the fresh air and feel the warmth on your skin as you sail away (in spirit) from your studies than these places are ideal for you.
The Plaza of Americas
The lunchtime gathering area of anyone who enjoys Hare Krishna and their infamous lunch plates the Plaza of the Americas is also a great spot for sleeping. Just bring a blanket or even better a hammock to hang up between the giant trees that provide great shade against the blazing summer sun.

Concourse to Reitz Union
If your next class is somewhere in between the Hub and the Reitz Union the perfect study spot could be the pathway there. Equipped with benches and picnic tables the Concourse to the Reitz is a bright place that could be the perfect spot for some springtime reading and relaxing as well as an area of solitude for sleep.

Hidden Gems
Turlington Brick
English and Language majors alike know that the shaded area underneath the Turlington Steps is a perfect area for napping. If you find a prime corner spot you can curl up while using your backpack as a cushion and relax right up unto the five minutes before your class begins. That is if you're not prone to getting lost in the notoriously confusing building.

Pugh Hall
Previously mentioned in our Library Review The Pugh study pods are an ideal area to take a nap break. The recently hung "DO NOT SLEEP" signs are proof of that. But if you're willing to take a risk sneak a quick sleep in this spot. We don't endorse this spot as much...since you will probably get caught.

Comfy Spots
The Hub
The Hub is another area full of comfiness. Be sure to grab a chair with an ottoman that way you can stretch out and if you need a pick-me-up after a quick sleep session then there's a Starbucks footsteps away.

Did we miss any? Do you have a recommendation - this is need-to-know information people! Tell us below or tweet us @CMCapartments.