Follow Friday - the Best of #AsSeenInGNV

One of the neat things about Gainesville Florida is the vibe.

Gainesville is a place with it's own annual traditions (Gator sport season anyone?) there is a community 'same-ness' that makes you feel like nothing has changed...and yet Gainesville also feels as if it's in a state of constant growth and evolution. There's always something happening somewhere - sometimes at familiar haunts other times a bit off the beaten path.

This Spring we encouraged friends to help us share a little Title Town love with the hashtag #AsSeenInGNV on Instagram . Here's a round up of the best photos we've seen so far.

Gator sighting at La Chua Trail? Massive pizza at Blue Highway? Great art downtown at Art Walk? Fresh produce from area farmer at one of our many markets? There's so much to cover.

Please feel free to join us share a photo using #AsSeenInGNV or follow CMC Apartments on Instagram to see our finds.

1. Graffiti Art at F.L.A. Gallery on Main Street

2. March Exhibit at F.L.A. Gallery on Main Street

3. The Swamp on GameDay

4. Lights at Satchels Pizza

5. Grab a cold one!

6. Dragonfly Sushi at lunchtime. Located in downtown Gainesville

7. Fresh blooms from the Farmers' Market

Held Mondays in Tioga Wednesdays downtown at the Union Street Farmers Market and Saturdays: Alachua Co. Farmers Market on 441 in Haile Village.

8. Gainesville's Food Trucks. Chalk menu from from Pelican Bros.

P.S. there is a food truck rally tonight - April 4th 2013. Details here. Photos taken from @CMCapartments @menoling @mrsgrits and @visitGainesville on Instagram