Apartment Cleaning Tips For UF Students

A well-organized apartment is known to encourage focus, relaxation, and productivity. At Contemporary Management Concepts, LLLP, we offer luxury student apartments near UF. These apartments are the perfect place for University of Florida students to meet their peers, experience independent living, and explore local hidden gems.

With these helpful cleaning tips, it’ll be easier than ever for you to keep your furnished apartment fresh and clutter-free throughout the semester. Find modern student housing made for you—contact our Gainesville property management company today for leasing information or to schedule a property tour.

Divide The Area

Tackling an entire messy apartment can feel overwhelming. However, by carefully planning out your cleaning strategy and taking care of one room at a time, this process can become more manageable.

Choose one room to start tidying up. Only focus on the relevant chores to that particular area. For example, if you choose to clean the kitchen first, prioritize washing the dishes, wiping down the countertops, and cleaning out expired food from the refrigerator, rather than doing a load of laundry or scrubbing the shower.

Maintain A Stock Of Cleaning Supplies

A solid inventory of cleaning supplies can be incredibly useful. By having these sprays, cloths, and soaps on hand, you can stay prepared for any cleaning mishaps or unexpected illnesses.

Don’t expect to purchase all of these supplies and solutions outright. Doing so can be an expensive investment that might not fit into your college budget. Rather, intentionally accumulate these materials over the course of a semester. These supplies can be gifted, donated, or found at a store at a discounted price.

When collecting these supplies, keep them in one central location, such as in a cabinet or underneath the kitchen or bathroom sink. This small action can prevent you from losing or forgetting about your products. Additionally, a cleaning caddy under the sick makes these supplies accessible to all of the residents in the apartment. That way, everyone can grab the sprays and wipes as they need them, without having to constantly bother the roommate group chat anytime they need to clean up a spill or scrub down the stovetop.

Everyone has their own formula and brand preferences when it comes to cleaning products. While everyone’s cleaning inventory may look slightly different, these generic supplies are a must in any student apartments near UF:

  • Disinfectant spray
  • Glass cleaner
  • Microfiber cloths
  • Sponges
  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Dish soap
  • Toilet bowl cleaner
  • Stain remover
  • Laundry detergent

Create A Shared Schedule

With classes, jobs, and social obligations, it can be difficult to manage apartment housekeeping on your own. To make the process fair and less stressful for everyone involved, it is recommended to make a rotating chore chart for you and your roommates.

Keep the chore chart in a communal area, where everyone can easily see it. Most chore chart templates can be found for free online. Print one out, or create your design on a piece of paper.

On the template, write down all of the resident’s names. Besides each person’s name, divvy up the essential chores for the week. Try to give each roommate an equal amount of tasks, keeping in mind each chore’s difficulty.

The goal is for this chart to serve as a gentle visual reminder of everyone’s individual responsibilities. With some teamwork, this chore chart can motivate all roommates to contribute toward maintaining a sparkling, tidy Gainesville apartment!

Make It Enjoyable

Although cleaning isn’t particularly fun or exciting, it is still a necessary part of keeping a healthy and organized living space. However, just because cleaning isn’t innately interesting doesn’t mean it has to be miserable. All it takes is a little creativity to make your dreaded cleaning something to look forward to!

While completing your chores, put on some upbeat music, a funny podcast, or the latest episode in a series you’ve been binge watching. Sing along, laugh, or dance as you work your way through your to-do list. This can speed up the process, and before you know it, the cleaning is complete!

After the tasks for the day are done, reward yourself with a treat! You deserve it!